John Hay called the Spanish American War a “Splendid little war.”

(A) ** True

(B) False


Concept note-1: -Volunteer soldiers from all over the United States gathered and trained at the Presidio before the long sea voyage to the Philippines. Their quest was described as a “splendid little war” by Secretary of State John Hay. The Presidio was a natural choice because it is next to the finest harbor on the West Coast.

Concept note-2: -He is also renowned for his comment, written in a letter to President Theodore Roosevelt, describing the Spanish American War as a “splendid little war."

Concept note-3: -On December 10, 1898, the United States and Spain signed the Treaty of Paris, officially ending the Spanish-American War. It had lasted less than 100 days. As a result of what Secretary of State John Hay called “a splendid little war, ” the United States emerged from the conflict as a world power.

Concept note-4: -Why did Secretary of State John Hay call the Spanish-American War “A splendid little war/? Over in 4 months, low cost, low casualties, and with large territorial gains for the US.