(A) Open Door Dilomacy
(B) ** Dollar Diplomacy
(C) Moral Diplomacy
(D) Shoot Em Up Diplomacy
Concept note-1: -Dollar diplomacy refers to the U.S. foreign policy created by President William Howard Taft and Secretary of State Philander C. Knox in 1912. Dollar Diplomacy sought to bolster the struggling economies of Latin American and East Asian countries while also expanding U.S. commercial interests in those regions.
Concept note-2: -President Taft was more committed to the expansion of U.S. foreign trade than was Roosevelt. He pursued a program, known as “dollar diplomacy, ” designed to encourage U.S. investments in South and Central American, the Caribbean, and the Far East.
Concept note-3: -Taft’s dollar diplomacy not only allowed the United States to gain financially from countries but also restrained other foreign countries from reaping any sort of financial gain. Consequently, when the United States benefited from other countries, other world powers could not reap those same benefits.
Concept note-4: -Dollar Diplomacy, foreign policy created by U.S. Pres. William Howard Taft (served 1909–13) and his secretary of state, Philander C. Knox, to ensure the financial stability of a region while protecting and extending U.S. commercial and financial interests there. It grew out of Pres.
Concept note-5: -Dollar Diplomacy was meant to support the independence of Latin American countries from their European counterparts while also subtly, or blatantly, encouraging countries to take assistance from the United States.