Speaker A:United States expansion should not end when we reach the Pacific CoastWhich president’s decision demonstrated a commitment to the idea expressed by Speaker A?

(A) James K. Polk going to war with Mexico

(B) Abraham Lincoln signing the Homestead Act

(C) ** William McKinley annexing the Hawaiian Islands

(D) Woodrow Wilson sending troops to pursue Pancho Villa in Mexico


Concept note-1: -Ultimately, annexation was achieved due to the perceived threat of the Japanese invasion. Waves of Japanese came to the islands in increasing numbers to work in the sugar trade. U.S. military leaders feared potential Japanese occupation of the islands and created a strategic naval base in the center of the Pacific.

Concept note-2: -House Joint Resolution 259, 55th Congress, 2nd session, known as the “Newlands Resolution, ” passed Congress and was signed into law by President McKinley on July 7, 1898-the Hawaiian islands were officially annexed by the United States. Sanford Dole became the first Governor of the Territory of Hawaii.

Concept note-3: -In 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out, and the strategic use of the naval base at Pearl Harbor during the war convinced Congress to approve formal annexation. Two years later, Hawaii was organized into a formal U.S. territory and in 1959 entered the United States as the 50th state.

Concept note-4: -1 Answer. The American planters led by Samuel Dole believed a coup and annexation of Hawaii by the United States would eliminate a threat of a huge tariff on their sugar production.