The Native Hawaiians were in favor of annexation to the United States.

(A) True

(B) ** False


Concept note-1: -Nearly half the Native Hawaiians sign a petition to Congress opposing annexation. Liliu’okalani, the former queen deposed by the U.S. military, travels to Washington, D.C., several times to plead for the rights of Native Hawaiians and for the fair settlement of crown lands.

Concept note-2: -When Queen Liliuokalani moved to establish a stronger monarchy, Americans under the leadership of Samuel Dole deposed her in 1893. The planters’ belief that a coup and annexation by the United States would remove the threat of a devastating tariff on their sugar also spurred them to action.

Concept note-3: -In a last, unsuccessful attempt to return control of her homeland to native Hawaiians, Queen Lili’uokalani sent a letter of protest to the U.S. House of Representatives. She stated that her throne had been taken illegally, and that any U.S. efforts to annex Hawaii without the due process of law would be unacceptable.

Concept note-4: -McKinley was in favor of annexation, and the change in leadership was soon felt. On June 16, 1897, McKinley and three representatives of the government of the Republic of Hawaii – Lorrin Thurston, Francis Hatch, and William Kinney – signed a treaty of annexation.