This is the best reason to describes Theodore Roosevelt’s position about building the Panama Canal.

(A) Every state in the United States will benefit from the canal, regardless of location.

(B) The work involved in building the canal is providing Americans with much needed jobs.

(C) ** Having a canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans will benefit all countries in the Americas.

(D) The canal is very expensive to build but is taking less time than expected.


Concept note-1: -He firmly believed in expanding American power in the world. To do this, he wanted a strong navy. And he wanted a way for the navy to sail quickly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Roosevelt decided to build that waterway.

Concept note-2: -Shortly after ascending to the presidency, Roosevelt spoke of the Panama Canal in a speech to Congress. “No single great material work which remains to be undertaken on this continent, ” Roosevelt said, “is as of such consequence to the American people."

Concept note-3: -In 1911, former President Theodore Roosevelt told an audience in Berkeley, California, that he had decided as chief executive to ensure access to the Isthmus of Panama, then part of the nation of Colombia, to get a canal built as the centerpiece of America’s growing global power.

Concept note-4: -Why did Theodore Roosevelt want a canal through Panama and how did he come to build and subsequently protect it? Theodore Roosevelt wanted a canal through the Isthmus of Panama because such a route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean would cut eight thousand miles off the voyage from New York to San Francisco.