This statement best completes the factors that lists events leading to the Spanish-American War?

(A) Takeover of Cuba by the United States

(B) Decrease in sugar production on Cuban plantations

(C) ** Yellow Journalists distorting events in Cuba.

(D) Spain’s refusal to keep Cuba in the Spanish Empire


Concept note-1: -Yellow journalism contributed to the U.S. declaring war by using “sensational stories that tugged at readers’ heartstrings to sell papers.” These papers blamed Spain for the sinking of the ship, even though they had no evidence to prove it. Spain declared war on April 24, 1898 and the U.S. declared war the next day.

Concept note-2: -The Spanish-American War, while dominating the media, also fueled the United States’ first media wars in the era of yellow journalism. Newspapers at the time screamed outrage, with headlines including, “Who Destroyed the Maine? $50, 000 Reward, ” “Spanish Treachery” and “Invasion!”

Concept note-3: -On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898.

Concept note-4: -What was the main reason that yellow journalism strongly affected American attitudes about Cuba and the Spanish-American War? They blamed Spain for the explosion and called for the US to declare war. How did newspapers that used yellow journalism react when the USS Maine exploded in Cuba in 1898?