True or False Roosevelt won the Nobel Prize for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War.

(A) ** True

(B) False, It was McKinley not Roosevelt.


Concept note-1: -Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA, received the Peace Prize for having negotiated peace in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-5. He also resolved a dispute with Mexico by resorting to arbitration as recommended by the peace movement.

Concept note-2: -Theodore Roosevelt is revered for his conflict resolution skills. No incident exemplifies these skills more than his settling of the Portsmouth Treaty during the Russo-Japanese War over Manchuria and Korea, for which Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

Concept note-3: -Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work surrounding the Treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the Russo-Japanese War. Unable to be in Norway to collect the prize at the time, Roosevelt asked the United States Ambassador to Norway, Herbert H. D. Peirce, to accept the award on his behalf.

Concept note-4: -Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt was the first statesman to be awarded the Peace Prize, and for the first time the award was controversial. The Norwegian Left argued that Roosevelt was a “military mad” imperialist who completed the American conquest of the Philippines.