What agreement gave the US President the power to appoint the governor of Puerto Rico?

(A) Platt Amendment

(B) ** Foraker Act

(C) Open Door Policy

(D) Dollar Diplomacy


Concept note-1: -The Foraker Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 1900, designated Puerto Rico as an “unorganized territory” of the United States and gave it limited self-government.

Concept note-2: -On April 2, 1900, U.S. President McKinley signed a civil law that established a civilian government in Puerto Rico. This law was known as the Foraker Act for its sponsor, Joseph Benson Foraker (an Ohio statesman), and also as the Organic Act of 1900.

Concept note-3: -In 1900, congress passed the Foraker Act, which ended military rule and set up a civil government. The act gave the president of the U.S. the power to appoint Puerto Rico’s governor and member of the upper house of its legislature.

Concept note-4: -On March 2, 1917, Wilson signed the Jones-Shafroth Act, under which Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory and Puerto Ricans were granted statutory citizenship, meaning that citizenship was granted by an act of Congress and not by the Constitution (thus it was not guaranteed by the Constitution).