What best describes the Turner Thesis?

(A) A statement that Turner made

(B) A thesis by Turner

(C) The idea that Americans could turn the country around

(D) ** The idea that the American Frontier represented the character of the American people


Concept note-1: -According to Turner, it was the frontier that shaped American institutions, society, and culture. The experience of the frontier, the westward march of pioneers from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast, distinguishes Americans from Europeans, and gives the American nation its exceptional character.

Concept note-2: -Turner held that the American character was decisively shaped by conditions on the frontier, in particular the abundance of free land, the settling of which engendered such traits as self-reliance, individualism, inventiveness, restless energy, mobility, materialism, and optimism.

Concept note-3: -The Frontier Thesis or Turner’s Thesis (also American frontierism) is the argument advanced by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893 that a settler colonial exceptionalism, under the guise of American democracy, was formed by the appropriation of the rugged American frontier.

Concept note-4: -The Frontier thesis was formulated 1893, when American historian Frederick Jackson Turner theorized that the availability of unsettled land throughout much of American history was the most important factor determining national development.

Concept note-5: -By articulating the end of the American frontier and calling for new frontier abroad, Turner laid the intellectual groundwork for a new kind of U.S. foreign policy-one that led the United Stated into Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam during the Spanish-American War.