What insect spread Yellow Fever and Malaria, causing thousands of deaths during the building of the Panama Canal and the Spanish American War?

(A) bees

(B) ** mosquitos

(C) tics

(D) all of the above


Concept note-1: -The discovery by Major Ronald Ross that malaria was transmitted by mosquitoes had tremendous impact on development programs in the tropics. One of the first of these was the construction of the Panama Canal, which began within a few years after Dr. Ross’s discovery.

Concept note-2: -In a series of experiments, beginning in June 1900, the Reed Commission eventually proved that yellow fever was spread not by poor sanitation, but by female Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, which carried the virus from person to person with their bites.

Concept note-3: -The deadly endemic diseases of yellow fever and malaria were dangerous obstacles that had already defeated French efforts to construct a Panama Canal in the 1880s. The crippling effects of these diseases, which incapacitated many workers and caused at least 20, 000 to die, led the French to abandon their goal in 1889.

Concept note-4: -Yellow fever (YF) is an African mosquito-borne infection of primates. It is caused by a virus of the Flavivirus genus of the Flaviviridae family. In its natural habitat, it is transmitted between monkeys by forest-dwelling primatophilic Aedes mosquitoes.

Concept note-5: -In 1881, Carlos Finlay of Cuba significantly advanced the field when he suggested Culex cubensis (now known as Aedes aegypti) as the mosquito responsible for spreading the disease.