What is a “sphere of influence?”

(A) An area with no outside influence

(B) An area with exteme political competition

(C) An area colonized by other countries

(D) ** A region in which one power had significant influence on the economy.


Concept note-1: -In the field of international relations, a sphere of influence (SOI) is a spatial region or concept division over which a state or organization has a level of cultural, economic, military or political exclusivity.

Concept note-2: -In foreign relations studies, sphere of influence, also referred to as a “zone of influence” or a “sphere of interest, ” is a diplomatic term that describes a region over which a specific ruling group, institution, or country exerts military, cultural, or economic power.

Concept note-3: -As a tool of great power or imperial control, the assertion of spheres of influence can bring order to peripheral areas but can contribute to conflicts when rival powers seek exclusive influence in the same area or when secondary or client states resist subordination.

Concept note-4: -Famous examples of spheres of influence in Asian history include the spheres established by the British and Russians in Persia (Iran) in the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907 and the spheres within Qing China that were taken by eight different foreign nations late in the nineteenth century.

Concept note-5: -A sphere of influence is an area or territory beyond a country’s national borders, over which it feels it should have power but without having any formal authority there. It is a useful concept in terms of tensions between superpowers and emerging powers over territory and physical resources.