Why did the Berlin Conference take place?

(A) To develop a plan to help establish independent African nations.

(B) To develop an economic system to modernize Africa.

(C) ** To develop rules for European countries to divide up the area of Africa.

(D) To develop a plan to make reparitions to African countries for the slave trade.


Concept note-1: -One of the tasks of this conference was for each European country that claimed possession over a part of Africa to bring “civilization, ” in the form of Christianity, as well as trade. King Leopold II of Belgium promised just that and the Congo was formally recognized as Leopold’s personal possession.

Concept note-2: -Purpose of the Berlin Conference In 1884, at the request of Portugal, German chancellor Otto von Bismark called together the major western powers of the world to negotiate questions and end confusion over the control of Africa.

Concept note-3: -One thing is clear-the Berlin Conference established the legal claim by Europeans that all of Africa could be occupied by whomever could take it. It also established a process for Europeans to cooperate rather than fight with each other. This cooperation played a huge role in the division and conquest of Africa.

Concept note-4: -The Berlin Conference of 1884–85 was organized by Otto von Bismarck, the rst chancellor of Germany. The purpose of the Berlin Conference was to regulate European colonization and trade in Africa by identifying which European nations would be allowed to control which parts of Africa.

Concept note-5: -The rivalry between European powers was also one of the main drives behind the Scramble for Africa. In order to prevent each other from acquiring more territories, the Europeans carved up the African continent into colonies.