Militarism is the belief that ____

(A) ** Countries should build up powerful militaries and be prepared to use them to advance the nation

(B) The military is an honourable profession but should not be given any political power

(C) All countries should disarm beacuse maintaining large armies is both costly and dangerous

(D) Problems between countries should not be solved by war


Concept note-1: -Militarism is the belief that a country should have a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote its interests. Leading up to World War I, imperial countries in Europe were strong proponents of militarism.

Concept note-2: -Militarism or militarist ideology is a view on society. It says society should be like the military. This means that society should follow concepts that can be found in the culture, system and people of the military. People that say militarism is good are called militarists.

Concept note-3: -noun. Britannica Dictionary definition of MILITARISM. [noncount] : the opinions or actions of people who believe that a country should use military methods, forces, etc., to gain power and to achieve its goals. The administration has been criticized for the militarism of its foreign policy.

Concept note-4: -M Militarism-this was where countries built up their armies. Each country tried to compete to build the biggest army. This created a lot of rivalry and tension and it made countries suspicious of each other. They wanted to test their armies and prove they were the best in a war.

Concept note-5: -Defining militarism Not surprisingly, this leads to significant increases in defence and arms spending. Late 19th and early 20th-century militarism fuelled an arms race that gave rise to new military technologies and increased defence spending. Militarism also shaped culture, the press and public opinion.