(A) the US should dominate navigation
(B) ** there should be freedom of the seas
(C) the allies should have free access
(D) there should be a number of trade barriers
Concept note-1: -Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.
Concept note-2: -Freedom of navigation (FON) is a principle of law of the sea that ships flying the flag of any sovereign state shall not suffer interference from other states, apart from the exceptions provided for in international law.
Concept note-3: -Wilson believed these principles could be applied to foreign policy. 3. How would freedom of the seas benefit Europe? Freedom of the seas would make trade easier and boost European economies.
Concept note-4: -The conceptual underpinnings for “freedom of the seas” lay in the 1908 Declaration of London and the international law it established for the conduct of naval warfare.