What punishment did Germany receive after losing World War I? Choose ALL the answers that are correct.

(A) ** They had to pay reparations

(B) ** They had to give up land to France

(C) ** They had to disarm

(D) Germany did not receive any punishment


Concept note-1: -The Treaty of Versailles Punished Defeated Germany With These Provisions. Some disarmed the German military, while others stripped the defeated nation of territory, population and economic resources, and forced it to admit responsibility for the war and agree to pay reparations.

Concept note-2: -The Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties on the Germans, including loss of territory, massive reparations payments and demilitarization.

Concept note-3: -Terms of the Treaty of Versailles The treaty forced Germany to disarm, to make territorial concessions, and to pay reparations to the Allied powers in the staggering amount of $5 billion.

Concept note-4: -Allied victors took a punitive approach to Germany at the end of World War I. Intense negotiation resulted in the Treaty of Versailles’ “war guilt clause, ” which identified Germany as the sole responsible party for the war and forced it to pay reparations.

Concept note-5: -The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany harshly because Allied powers, Great Britain and France especially, blamed Germany for starting the war and the subsequent death and destruction.