How did the Assembly make a decision?

(A) Majority voting

(B) Open voting

(C) ** Unanimous voting

(D) Hands up


Concept note-1: -All UN Member States are represented in the General Assembly. Each Member State has one vote. Decisions on such key issues as international peace and security, admitting new members and the UN budget are decided by a two-thirds majority. Other matters are decided by simple majority.

Concept note-2: -Today, in contrast, there are 193 Member States and roughly 80% of the General Assembly resolutions are adopted by consensus, that is, without taking a vote. When you adopt resolutions by a vote, you only need to get a simple majority to agree on the text of a resolution.

Concept note-3: -When a vote is taken and all Member States vote the same way, the decision is unanimous. When a decision is taken by consensus, no formal vote is taken.

Concept note-4: -Much like the General Assembly, most of the decisions adopted by the Security Council are made by consensus. However, when there is no consensus and decisions are put to a vote, the minimum number of votes needed to take action on an issue is determined by whether the item is procedural or substantive.