(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) ** all of them (Each had a veto.)
Concept note-1: -France and the United Kingdom have not used the veto since 1989. As of May 2022, Russia/USSR has used its veto 121 times, the US 82 times, the UK 29 times, China 17 times, and France 16 times. On 26 April 2022, the General Assembly adopted a resolution mandating a debate when a veto is cast in the Security Council.
Concept note-2: -According to the UN Charter, Article 23, “The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations". The Security Council has 15 members: 5 permanent members with veto power: China.
Concept note-3: -Those states, however, were distrustful of each other and did not want to put important decisions of security into the hands of a possibly hostile majority in the Council. For that reason the veto remained, but only for the five permanent member states.
Concept note-4: -These members are the United States of America, France, Britain, China and Russia. Q. What is UNO? Name the members of UNO who enjoy veto power.