In December 1935, Britain and France sent their foreign ministers to come up with a settlement to offer Italy. What was this treaty called?

(A) Kellogg-Briand Pact

(B) Locarno Pact

(C) ** Hoare-Laval Pact

(D) Washington Conference


Concept note-1: -The Hoare–Laval Pact was an initially secret December 1935 proposal by British Foreign Secretary Samuel Hoare and French Prime Minister Pierre Laval for ending the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.

Concept note-2: -Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia in 1935 caused a crisis for the League of Nations. League members imposed limited sanctions against Italy and debated at length the imposition of an embargo on oil shipments to Italy, which came to stand as a symbol of the League’s determination to punish the Italian aggressor.

Concept note-3: -The League of Nations ruled against Italy and voted for economic sanctions, but they were never fully applied. Italy ignored the sanctions, quit the League, made special deals with the United Kingdom and France and ultimately annexed and occupied Abyssinia after it had won the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.

Concept note-4: -In response to Ethiopian appeals, the League of Nations condemned the Italian invasion in 1935 and voted to impose economic sanctions on the aggressor. The sanctions remained ineffective because of general lack of support.

Concept note-5: -This did not eventuate, but American planners took for granted that “Abyssinia has no place in” the future League. Abyssinia, alone of the candidates then under discussion, was self-evidently disbarred. Yet, in 1923, to “prolonged applause, ” the League Assembly voted unanimously to admit Abyssinia as a member.