The Corfu Crisis

(A) Showed the League defended small countries as Greece were pardoned by the Council

(B) Showed the League defended small countries as Spain was pardoned by the Council

(C) Showed the League didn’t stand up to powerful countries, Franco got his way by going through the Council of Ambassadors

(D) ** Showed the League didn’t stand up to powerful countries, Mussolini got his way by going through the Council of Ambassadors


Concept note-1: -In August 1923 Italians forming part of an international boundary delegation were murdered on Greek soil, leading Benito Mussolini to order a naval bombardment of Corfu. After the Greeks appealed to the League of Nations, the Italians were ordered to evacuate but Greece was forced to pay Italy an indemnity.

Concept note-2: -The Corfu Incident was seen as a serious failure for the League. It showed that powerful nations could still bully a less powerful neighbor (Greece was a small, weak country with no powerful friends on the Council).

Concept note-3: -The Corfu Incident was a 1923 diplomatic and military crisis between Greece and Italy. It was triggered when an Italian general heading a commission to resolve a border dispute between Albania and Greece was murdered in Greek territory along with members of his staff.

Concept note-4: -Mussolini defied the League of Nations and stated Italy would leave if it arbitrated in the crisis, and the Conference of Ambassadors instead eventually tendered an agreement favouring Italy. This was an early demonstration of the League’s weakness when dealing with larger powers.