Upper Silesia (1921) was an example of the League of Nation’s success.

(A) ** True

(B) False


Concept note-1: -In the same year, 1921, the League was equally successful in Upper Silesia. The Treaty of Versailles had given the people of Upper Silesia the right to have a referendum on whether they wanted to be part of Weimar Germany or part of Poland. In this referendum, 700, 000 voted for Germany and 500, 000 for Poland.

Concept note-2: -Decisions like the one in Upper Silesia were carried out by the League with relative success. There were disputes over the borders of Europe which resulted in the Locarno treaties, which helped embed the terms from the treaty into world affairs. Despite some success however, the League was not all powerful.

Concept note-3: -Upper Silesia on March 20, 1921, an overall majority voted to remain with Germany. Therefore, Germany claimed that the whole area should remain German.

Concept note-4: -In the 1920s, the League was very successful in its work for a better world: took half a million PoWs home. helped Turkish refugees. attacked slave traders and drug sellers.

Concept note-5: -The League of Nations aimed to stop wars, improve people’s lives and jobs, encourage disarmament and enforce the Treaty of Versailles. Judged against these aims, the League was quite successful in the 1920s. It stopped border disputes turning into wars.