(A) Joined forces with Mussolini
(B) Invade Austria
(C) ** Invade the Rhineland
(D) Become Chancellor of Germany
Concept note-1: -The German reoccupation of the Rhineland marked a turning point in the march toward war. First, it strengthened Hitler’s power and prestige within Germany. Second, the balance of power changed in Germany’s favor. France and Belgium were now open to attack from German troops.
Concept note-2: -The Rhineland affected the French in that a demilitarised Rhineland was created at Versailles to act as a barrier for the French if the Germans ever got war-like again. It appeared that in 1936 that France was not even willing to fight for this.
Concept note-3: -The Abyssinian Crisis was over in 1936. Italy and Mussolini continually ignored the League of Nations and fully annexed Abyssinia on May 9th 1936. The League of Nations was shown to be ineffective. The League had not stood up against one of the strongest members and fulfilled the promise of collective security.
Concept note-4: -According to the Treaty of Versailles, the Rhineland, a strip of land inside Germany bordering on France, Belgium and the Netherlands, was to be de-militarised. That is, no German troops were to be stationed inside that area or any fortifications built.