What did Italy do in response to the League’s actions?

(A) They promised to remove troops, but didn’t.

(B) ** They continued to control parts of Abyssinia and then left the League in May 1936.

(C) They continued their control, but wanted to stay in the League.

(D) They apologised for their actions and removed their troops giving it back to Abyssinian’s to control.


Concept note-1: -The League of Nations ruled against Italy and voted for economic sanctions, but they were never fully applied. Italy ignored the sanctions, quit the League, made special deals with the United Kingdom and France and ultimately annexed and occupied Abyssinia after it had won the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.

Concept note-2: -Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia in 1935 caused a crisis for the League of Nations. League members imposed limited sanctions against Italy and debated at length the imposition of an embargo on oil shipments to Italy, which came to stand as a symbol of the League’s determination to punish the Italian aggressor.

Concept note-3: -On the night of 2-3 October 1935, Italian forces invaded Abyssinian territory from Eritrea. At the end of an unequal struggle, during which the Italian army used chemical weapons, Abyssinia was finally conquered at the beginning of March 1936 and annexed by the Kingdom of Italy.

Concept note-4: -The League condemned the Italian invasion quickly and imposed sanctions. ‘ ‘The Abyssinians had committed many human rights abuses. ‘ ‘Britain and France could not afford to alienate Italy. ‘ ‘Britain and France did not want Italy to ally with Germany.

Concept note-5: -Sanctions were not used. A Special Assembly voted that Japan should withdraw from Manchuria. When the Japanese refused and left the League of Nations, the League responded by doing nothing.