(A) ** Promises to Jews to establish home land
(B) Restriction of Jews immigration
(C) Promised to Arabs to establish a homeland
(D) Restriction of Arab immigration
Concept note-1: -The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917. The declaration turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality when Britain publicly pledged to establish “a national home for the Jewish people ” there.
Concept note-2: -The historical background of the “Jewish national home” concept. The Balfour Declaration was the direct outcome of a sustained effort by the Zionist Organization to establish a Jewish State in Palestine.
Concept note-3: -The Balfour report was accepted in full by the 1926 Imperial Conference and thus filled its purpose of laying down the fundamental principles guiding the relations between the countries of the British Commonwealth, and of each to foreign countries.
Concept note-4: -The Balfour Declaration thus meant that the Palestinians faced the prospect of being outnumbered by unlimited immigration, and of losing control of Palestine to the Zionist drive for sole sovereignty over a country that was then almost completely Arab in population and culture.