Which country hated the Treaty of Versailles?

(A) ** Germany

(B) UK

(C) France

(D) Belgium


Concept note-1: -The Treaty of Versailles was hated by Germany because she was stripped of 13% of her territory and 10 percent of the population; the border territories of Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France.

Concept note-2: -The Treaty of Versailles caused furious reactions in Germany. Germany had to pay huge sums of money to the countries it had fought in compensation for the damage. In addition, France, England, and the United States wanted to prevent Germany from becoming strong enough to start a new war.

Concept note-3: -Treaty of Versailles Terms Germany and the other defeated powers-Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey-were not represented at the Paris Peace Conference.

Concept note-4: -The terms of the Treaty were very damaging to Germany: territory was taken from Germany-depriving it of valuable industrial and agricultural income. Article 231, the War Guilt Clause blamed Germany and her allies for starting the war – this led to feelings of humiliation and anger.

Concept note-5: -Perhaps the most humiliating portion of the treaty for defeated Germany was Article 231, commonly known as the “War Guilt Clause.” This clause forced the German nation to accept complete responsibility for starting World War I.