(A) ** It was the civil service for the League
(B) It resolved legal disputes
(C) It aimed to improve conditions for working people
(D) It resolved disputes by talking
Concept note-1: -The Secretariat assists in decision-making in Government by ensuring Inter-Ministerial coordination, ironing out differences amongst Ministries/Departments and evolving consensus through the instrumentality of the standing/adhoc Committees of Secretaries.
Concept note-2: -Functions of Civil Services Implementing Laws & Policies: Civil services are responsible for implementing laws and executing policies framed by the government. Policy Formulation: The civil service is chiefly responsible for policy formulation as well.
Concept note-3: -They were appointed under Section XXXII(32) of the Government of India Act 1858, enacted by the British Parliament.
Concept note-4: -Notes: Neutrality and impartiality is the most prominent characteristic of Indian civil services.