(A) Britain
(B) France
(C) ** No one-it was independent
(D) Italy
Concept note-1: -Mussolini used this as a reason for the invasion of Abyssinia in 1935. During this march to war, the Abyssinian leader, Haile Selassie, took his case to the League of Nations in the hope of receiving assistance from them. The crisis can be divided in a number of phases.
Concept note-2: -In the aftermath of the war Italy annexed Ethiopia, uniting it with Italy’s other colonies in eastern Africa to form the new colony of Italian East Africa, and Victor Emmanuel III of Italy adopted the title “Emperor of Abyssinia".
Concept note-3: -Ethiopia was also historically called Abyssinia, derived from the Arabic form of the Ethiosemitic name “ḤBŚT, ” modern Habesha.
Concept note-4: -On 6 December 1934, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia protested the Italian aggression at Walwal. On 8 December, Italy demanded an apology for Ethiopian aggression, and on 11 December, it followed up that demand with another for financial and strategic compensation.