(A) ** Hitler walked out
(B) Stalin walked out
(C) Roosevelt walked out
(D) Mussolini walked out
Concept note-1: -The conference symbolised global co-operation to a combined goal of limiting arms, but it is generally perceived as a failure because of the onset of the Second World War five years later and the withdrawal of Nazi Germany from both the conference and the League.
Concept note-2: -The Geneva Disarmament Conference, beginning in 1932, sought to avoid another European war by negotiating a reduction in armaments. Hitler repudiated this effort by withdrawing Germany from the conference in October 1933.
Concept note-3: -Several reasons argued against success. The delegates disagreed over what constituted “offensive” and “defensive” weapons. France and Germany remained at odds over the fallout from World War I.
Concept note-4: -ABSTRACT: Traditional accounts of the disastrous World Disarmament Conference of 1932-34 have placed the blame for its failure on France.