This volunteer cavalry unit fought in a famous land battle near Santiago, Cuba.

(A) ** Rough Riders

(B) San Juan Fighters

(C) USS Maine

(D) Teddy’s troops


Concept note-1: -The most famous of all the units fighting in Cuba, the “Rough Riders” was the name given to the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt resigned his position as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in May 1898 to join the volunteer cavalry.

Concept note-2: -Rough Rider, member of 1st Volunteer Cavalry, in the Spanish-American War, member of a regiment of U.S. cavalry volunteers recruited by Theodore Roosevelt and composed of cowboys, miners, law-enforcement officials, and college athletes, among others.

Concept note-3: -The regiment of “Roosevelt’s Rough Riders” was born. The Rough Riders participated in two important battles in Cuba. The first action they saw occurred at the Battle of Las Guasimas on June 24, where the Spanish were driven away.

Concept note-4: -July 1, 1898: Victory in San Juan Heights On July 1, 1898, the United States military achieved the most significant land victory of the Spanish-American War-the battle of San Juan, Cuba.

Concept note-5: -The 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry (Rough Riders), along with the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, began a near simultaneous assault supporting the regulars of the 10th Cavalry (Buffalo Soldiers) up Kettle Hill, supported by the fire of three Gatling guns commanded by Lt. John H. Parker.