What was the most famous slogan of the Spanish-American War?

(A) Remember the Alamo!

(B) Remember America!

(C) Remember that imperialism is a bad thing!

(D) ** Remember the Maine!


Concept note-1: -The phrase, “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!” became a rallying cry for action. Although the Maine explosion was not a direct cause, it served as a catalyst that accelerated the events leading up to the war.

Concept note-2: -The United States declared war on Spain on April 25, 1898. Americans rallied to the cause of liberating Cuba from Spain with the slogan, “Remember the Maine!” The Buffalo Soldiers started mobilizing shortly after the USS Maine exploded.

Concept note-3: -Remember the Maine! On February 15, 1898, an explosion of unknown origin sank the battleship U.S.S. Maine in the Havana, Cuba harbor, killing 266 of the 354 crew members. The sinking of the Maine incited United States’ passions against Spain, eventually leading to a naval blockade of Cuba and a declaration of war.

Concept note-4: -Hearst newspapers demanded an immediate declaration of war against Spain under headlines that screamed, “Remember the Maine!” After a few weeks of handwringing, President McKinley declared war.

Concept note-5: -On February 15, 1898, a mysterious explosion destroyed the American battleship Maine in Havana Harbor and helped propel the United States into a war with Spain.