(A) San Juan Hill
(B) the Grand Canyon
(C) ** the Isthmus of Panama
(D) Yellowstone National Park
Concept note-1: -The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 abrogated the earlier Clayton-Bulwer Treaty and licensed the United States to build and manage its own canal. Following heated debate over the location of the proposed canal, on June 19, 1902, the U.S. Senate voted in favor of building the canal through Panama.
Concept note-2: -Isthmuses The Isthmus of Panama in Panama links the continents of North and South America, and separates the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Concept note-3: -On March 20, 1878, the Société Civile obtained an exclusive 15 years concession from the Colombian government to build a canal across the isthmus of Panama, which at the time was a Department of Colombia; the waterway that would revert to the Colombian government after 99 years without compensation.
Concept note-4: -The Isthmus of Panama was chosen for the site of the canal because it is a very narrow strip of land between the two oceans. Although the canal was still a huge engineering project, this was the “easiest” place to build it.