(A) 8, 000
(B) 40, 000
(C) ** 120, 000
(D) 200, 000
Concept note-1: -Then Roosevelt’s executive order forcibly removed Americans of Japanese ancestry from their homes. Executive Order 9066 affected the lives about 120, 000 people-the majority of whom were American citizens.
Concept note-2: -So it would be correct to say that “about 110, 000 Japanese Americans were forcibly removed from the West Coast” and that “about 120, 000 Japanese Americans were held in American concentration camps administered by the War Relocation Authority during World War II.”
Concept note-3: -Between 110, 000 and 120, 000 Japanese-Americans, 70 percent of them born in the United States, were forced to leave their homes on the West Coast and incarcerated in makeshift camps in desolate areas until after the end of World War II.
Concept note-4: -In the aftermath of the attack, the US government relocated approximately 120, 000 people of Japanese descent-mostly American citizens-from their West Coast homes to “relocation centers” in remote areas of the country.