An assembly line is used in factories. Each worker on an assembly line is in charge of a small job, then they pass the product to the next person in line. The next person does their part then passes it to the next worker. The product goes down the line until it is finished. How could the division of labor benefit a company?

(A) ** The company can make more cars for less money.

(B) It can be boring doing the same thing again and again.

(C) The quality of the product is low and costs too much.

(D) Each worker can specialize in a job for many years.


Concept note-1: -The assembly line sped up the manufacturing process dramatically. It allowed factories to churn out products at a remarkable rate, and also managed to reduce labor hours necessary to complete a product-benefiting many workers who used to spend 10 to 12 hours a day in the factory trying to meet quotas.

Concept note-2: -Popularized in manufacturing, the principle of an assembly line is where each worker is assigned a repeatable task, and where the process moves to the worker who performs another task until the product is completed.

Concept note-3: -After much trial and error, in 1913 Henry Ford and his employees successfully began using this innovation at our Highland Park assembly plant. What made this assembly line unique was the movement element.

Concept note-4: -Assembly line workers are factory or production floor employees who work on putting together company products. They are assigned to work on a specific part of the product. Once they are done, they should hand it over to the next person on the line.