(A) British troops defeated the German ground invasion.
(B) the British sunk most of the German ships that crossed the English Channel.
(C) the German air force destroyed the Royal Air Force.
(D) ** the Royal Air Force saved Britain from invasion.
Concept note-1: -In 1940 it experienced its greatest test in the Battle of Britain. Using science, ingenuity, and support from across the UK and overseas, the RAF defended the UK from Nazi Germany’s air force, the Luftwaffe. It was the first major battle fought entirely in the air, and Nazi Germany’s first major military defeat.
Concept note-2: -Germany’s failure to defeat the RAF and secure control of the skies over southern England made invasion all but impossible. British victory in the Battle of Britain was decisive, but ultimately defensive in nature – in avoiding defeat, Britain secured one of its most significant victories of the Second World War.
Concept note-3: -In the event, the battle was won by the Royal Air Force (RAF) Fighter Command, whose victory not only blocked the possibility of invasion but also created the conditions for Great Britain’s survival, for the extension of the war, and for the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.