(A) ** True
(B) False
Concept note-1: -In 1915 it was sunk by a German U-boat, resulting in the death of 1, 198 people, including 128 Americans. Despite outrage over the incident, the U.S. government continued to pursue a policy of neutrality for another two years. However, German submarine warfare was cited when the United States declared war in 1917.
Concept note-2: -Not only did the sinking of the Lusitania undoubtedly put the United States on a collision course with Germany, it increased anti-German sentiment amongst the American public. This can be seen in how the incident was reported within American newspapers in the days, weeks, and months that followed.
Concept note-3: -President Woodrow Wilson, however, took a cautious approach to responding to the attack, demanding from Germany an apology, compensation for American victims, and a pledge to discontinue unannounced submarine warfare.
Concept note-4: -The sinking of the Lusitania was an important event in World War I. The death of so many innocent civilians at the hands of the Germans galvanized American support for entering the war, which eventually turned the tide in favor of the Allies.
Concept note-5: -What effect did the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 have on American public opinion of Germany? It caused public opinion to turn against the Germans even more.