What did the French, British, and Americans do in response to the Soviets blocking access to West Berlin?

(A) They evacuated West Berlin and allowed West Germany to take full control of the city.

(B) The went to war with the Soviet Union and its allies, Korea and Vietnam.

(C) ** They airlifted supplies and materials into West Germany, negating the blockade.

(D) They pleaded for an intervention by the United Nations and its military.


Concept note-1: -Beginning June 26, 1948, two days after the blockade was announced, U.S. and British planes carried out the largest air relief operation in history, transporting some 2.3 million tons of supplies into West Berlin on more than 270, 000 flights over 11 months.

Concept note-2: -On 26 June 1948, Western allies started a massive airlift to counter the Berlin blockade imposed by the Soviet regime. The film, “Background to Berlin”, produced in 1962, explains how this happened.

Concept note-3: -In spring 1948, France announced its occupation zone would merge with those of Britain and the United States, turning “Bizonia” into “Trizonia.” At this point, the Soviets chose to retaliate by applying pressure on West Berlin.

Concept note-4: -On June 24, 1948, Soviet forces blockaded all road, rail and water routes into Berlin’s Allied-controlled areas, stifling the vital flow of food, coal and other supplies. Soviet troop numbers dwarfed those of the Allies, which had drawn down after the war, so there was little the Allies could do about it militarily.

Concept note-5: -Key Terms. In response to the Berlin Blockade, the Western Allies organized this project to carry supplies to the people of West Berlin by air. The 1945 agreement between three of the Allies of World War II, United Kingdom, United States, and USSR, for the military occupation and reconstruction of Germany.