According to President Wilson, how would the League of Nations maintain peace?(Según el presidente Wilson, ¿cómo haría la Sociedad de las Naciones para preservar la paz?)

(A) by excluding its membership to any country that started a war

(B) by requiring all member countries to eliminate their armaments

(C) ** by providing collective security to handle any threats as they arose

(D) by outlawing war and requiring all nations to help create a world police force


Concept note-1: -Most important for Wilson, the League would guarantee the territorial integrity and political independence of member states, authorize the League to take “any action…to safeguard the peace, ” establish procedures for arbitration, and create the mechanisms for economic and military sanctions.

Concept note-2: -By establishing a bond of solidarity between Member States, the League is considered the first attempt to build a system of collective security. This principle relied on a simple idea: an aggressor against any Member State should be considered an aggressor against all the other Member States.

Concept note-3: -Wilson drew up terms of peace including his design for a League of Nations, a world body to settle future conflicts among nations. Wilson took direct personal control of American foreign policy, which he believed was constitutionally mandated.

Concept note-4: -In January 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference that ended World War I, Wilson urged leaders from France, Great Britain and Italy to come together with leaders of other nations to draft a Covenant of League of Nations. Wilson hoped such an organization would help countries to mediate conflicts before they caused war.