How long did France get the Saarland for?

(A) 5 years

(B) 10 years

(C) ** 15 years

(D) 20 years


Concept note-1: -After World War I, Saar’s coal mines were awarded to France, and Saarland was placed under the administration of the League of Nations for 15 years, at the end of which time a plebiscite permitted the inhabitants to choose between being part of France or Germany.

Concept note-2: -The Territory of the Saar Basin (German: Saarbeckengebiet, Saarterritorium; French: Territoire du bassin de la Sarre) was a region occupied and governed by the United Kingdom and France from 1920 to 1935 under a League of Nations mandate.

Concept note-3: -6 September 1946 Statement in favour of the transfer of the Saar to France.

Concept note-4: -At the end of 15 years, a plebiscite was to be held to determine the final status of the Saar. This vote took place on January 13, 1935. More than 90 percent of the voters favored the immediate reintegration of the Saar into Germany, which duly took effect on March 1, 1935.

Concept note-5: -Following the referendum, the Council of the League of Nations decided that the Saar should return to Germany. The Saar once again became part of Germany on 1 March 1935, with Josef Bürckel as Reichskommissar.