Peace, Land and Bread was a slogan used to

(A) get people to support the Czar

(B) ** get people to support the Revolution

(C) a promise to return all soldiers to farms

(D) call for continued action in East Asia


Concept note-1: -The slogan “Peace, Land and Bread” was launched by Lenin to gain popular support during the struggle for political power in Russia Lenin addressed these concerns in his proclamation. ‘Peace’ would mean an end to the war. ‘Bread’ would mean relief from the prevalent hunger.

Concept note-2: -The slogan of the Bolshevik leaders in 1917 was “Peace, Land, and Bread.”

Concept note-3: -’Peace, Land and Bread’ was a popular Bolshevik slogan during the Russian Revolution. It captured the three main demands of the Russian people: they wanted Russia to withdraw from the World War, redistribute land among its farmers, and provide food security.

Concept note-4: -It started in 1905 and ended in 1917. The slogan of the Russian revolution was “Peace, Land, Bread, and Democracy”. It was announced when the Bolsheviks declared their success in the October Revolution.

Concept note-5: -Land! Bread! This was the battle cry of the 1917 October Revolution (old calendar) that would changed the history of Russia and indeed the entire world – the cry of workers and peasants fed up with a failed system and the trials of war.