The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for its role in World War I by

(A) ** forcing Germany to accept blame for the war to pay reparations

(B) dividing Germany into four occupied zones

(C) supporting economic sanctions by the United Nations

(D) taking away German territory in the Balkans


Concept note-1: -Other Central Powers (significantly, Austria-Hungary) signed different treaties with the Allies. The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. The treaty’s so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I.

Concept note-2: -The document stripped Germany of 13 percent of its territory and one tenth of its population. The Rhineland was occupied and demilitarized, and German colonies were taken over by the new League of Nations. The German army was diminished to 100, 000 men and the country was forbidden to draft soldiers.

Concept note-3: -Introduction. The Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany and the Allied Nations on June 28, 1919, formally ending World War One. The terms of the treaty required that Germany pay financial reparations, disarm, lose territory, and give up all of its overseas colonies.

Concept note-4: -The war guilt clause of the treaty deemed Germany the aggressor in the war and consequently made Germany responsible for making reparations to the Allied nations in payment for the losses and damage they had sustained in the war.

Concept note-5: -The defeated countries-Germany and allies Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria-weren’t invited to participate. In the end the Allies agreed that they would punish Germany and attempt to weaken that nation so much that it wouldn’t pose a future threat.