What was a major impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany?

(A) an era of peace and international good will in Germany

(B) a stable Germany that was both democratic and strong

(C) ** an increase in Germany’s desire to regain its status as a world power

(D) a leadership position for Germany in the League of Nations


Concept note-1: -The treaty forced Germany to surrender colonies in Africa, Asia and the Pacific; cede territory to other nations like France and Poland; reduce the size of its military; pay war reparations to the Allied countries; and accept guilt for the war.

Concept note-2: -The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. The treaty’s so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers.

Concept note-3: -The treaty forced Germany to disarm, to make territorial concessions, and to pay reparations to the Allied powers in the staggering amount of $5 billion.

Concept note-4: -The Treaty of Versailles caused furious reactions in Germany. Germany had to pay huge sums of money to the countries it had fought in compensation for the damage. In addition, France, England, and the United States wanted to prevent Germany from becoming strong enough to start a new war.

Concept note-5: -The most famous legacy of the Treaty of Versailles is that its draconian terms-designed to prevent Germany from repeating its military aggression-instead created an economic and political crisis that led to the rise of Hitler and the start of World War II.