Hemolytic anemias
Hypoproliferative anemias
Megaloblastic anemias
Hemolytic anemias
Detailed explanation-1: -Hypoproliferative anemia is the inability of bone marrow to produce enough red blood cells. blood cells, faster than they are produced. An example of hemolytic anemia is sickle cell disease. hemoglobin is low, in patients with sickle cell disease their hemoglobin is generally low.
Detailed explanation-2: -6: Hypoproliferative Anemia The hallmark is low reticulocyte count, which may be due to bone marrow failure, bone marrow replacement, inflammation, or nutritional deficiencies. Iron deficiency is the most common hypoproliferative anemia, followed by anemia of chronic inflammation and renal disease.
Detailed explanation-3: -There are only two causes of a hyper-proliferative anemia: bleeding and hemolysis. More commonly, the reticulocyte count is low or inappropriately normal. In this circum-stance, there is a broad differential diagnosis and it is useful to divide such anemias into those associated with a normal bone marrow vs.
Detailed explanation-4: -If the absolute reticulocyte count is 100, 000 mm3 or higher, the anemia is hyperproliferative type (i.e. hemolytic anemia or anemia of acute blood loss). If it is less than 100, 000 mm3 the anemia is hypoproliferative (iron, B12, or folic deficiency, anemia of chronic disorder etc.).
Detailed explanation-5: -Anemia of chronic disease (AOCD) Renal failure. Aplastic anemia. Pure red cell aplasia. Myelofibrosis or myelophthisic processes. Multiple myeloma. 08-Aug-2022