In The Man Without a Country, what did the captain do for Nolan because of his actions during this naval engagement?

(A) He returned Nolan’s own sword back to him

(B) ** He wrote letters to the Secretary of War requesting that Nolan be pardoned for his bravery and leadership in the sea battle during the War of 1812

(C) He used him in later naval engagements

(D) None of the above


Concept note-1: -Description. The Man Without a Country is the story of American Army lieutenant Philip Nolan, who renounces his country during a trial for treason and is consequently sentenced to spend the rest of his days at sea without so much as a word of news about the United States.

Concept note-2: -nounindividual forced to leave his or her native country or home.

Concept note-3: -This story was published in 1863, and is overtly abolitionist and pro-Union in the United States Civil War. It is a persuasive writing used to influence men to sign-up as Union soldiers as well as strengthen support for the war among the citizens of Northern states.

Concept note-4: -Nolan is sentenced to permanent exile aboard a series of U.S. warships, never again to hear news from or speak of his country. Decades pass. Shuttled from ocean to ocean, Nolan realizes he is a stateless person, estranged from his keepers and forgotten by his country.