(A) ** Parallelism
(B) Antithesis
(C) Alliteration
(D) Repetition
Concept note-1: -What he really meant was that the American colonists, as a people, had the same rights of self-government as other peoples, and hence could declare independence, create new governments and assume their “separate and equal station” among other nations.
Concept note-2: -“conceived in liberty”: Lincoln says the country was “conceived in Liberty, ” that is, the people who founded it freely chose to dedicate themselves to a claim – it was not forced upon them. They were able to think freely.
Concept note-3: -“Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation, or any nation so. conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.” ( original sentence) Without the phrase, Lincoln would only be talking about the survival of a specific place, the nation founded in 1776 (“that nation”).