What can the reader (or listener) infer that Lincoln wants America’s response to the deaths at the Battle of Gettysburg to be?

(A) Lincoln wants America to move on and forget the men who died.

(B) Lincoln wants to set up a memorial plaque to remember the men who died here.

(C) Lincoln wants America to be ashamed of all the loss of life on this battlefield.

(D) ** Lincoln wants America to remember these men and continue to fight for their cause until victory.


Concept note-1: -Lincoln wants America to be ashamed of all the loss of life on this battlefield. Lincoln wants America to remember these men and continue to fight for their cause until victory. What is the main idea of this speech? The battle at Gettysburg was hard fought.

Concept note-2: -Slavery, Lincoln stated, was the reason for the war: One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves. Not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest.

Concept note-3: -The main message of the Gettysburg Address is that ideals are worth dying for and that it is up to the living to carry on the work of those who died to protect ideals. The ideals of equality and freedom are the bedrock of the United States as a nation.

Concept note-4: -6. Why did Lincoln connect the honoring of those who died at Gettysburg with the goal off continuing the war toward union victory? He wanted to see the nation survive. He did not want the loss of life to be in vain.

Concept note-5: -In the Gettysburg Address how does Lincoln connect the soldiers’ deaths to the need to continue the war? He said “we have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those who died here that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this."