What does the word unalienable mean as it is used by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence?

(A) completely

(B) momentary

(C) ** non-negotiable

(D) inexplicable


Concept note-1: -The unalienable rights that are mentioned in the Declaration of Independence could just as well have been inalienable, which means the same thing. Inalienable or unalienable refers to that which cannot be given away or taken away.

Concept note-2: -: impossible to take away or give up : inalienable. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Concept note-3: -unalienable Add to list Share. What’s unalienable cannot be taken away or denied. Its most famous use is in the Declaration of Independence, which says people have unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Concept note-4: -To say that a right, as the founders understood it, is unalienable is to signify that it is inseparable from our humanity, and thereby to distinguish it from other sorts of rights.

Concept note-5: -adjective. not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied; not alienable: inalienable rights, freedoms, and liberties; an inalienable territory; inalienable principles and values.