What is the main idea of this speech?

(A) The battle at Gettysburg was hard fought.

(B) Lincoln will not be re-elected due to the war.

(C) The nation will most likely cease to exist due to the war.

(D) ** Brave men died fighting a war that will test the strength of the nation.


Concept note-1: -What is the main purpose of the Gettysburg Address? The main purpose of the Gettysburg Address at the time it was given was to commemorate a new National Cemetery at Gettysburg. It also gave Lincoln’s purpose for pushing on to win the Civil War-the abolition of slavery and the reunification of the Union.

Concept note-2: -The Gettysburg Address was given by Lincoln four months after the Battle of Gettysburg. The central idea Lincoln embedded in the Gettysburg Address was that Americans should honor those who fell in the battle and continue the war until it has been won.

Concept note-3: -“For those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.” This phrase refers to the soldiers that fought on this very field. Note that Lincoln picks up on the idea from the first two sentences, that is, they are fighting for the survival of the country – “so that that nation might live.”

Concept note-4: -That is the idea Lincoln refers to in this section of the speech: The Civil War was testing whether the United States, which was founded on liberty and equality, could survive.