(A) First Bull Run
(B) Antietam
(C) Gettysburg
(E) Vicksburg
Concept note-1: -On April 7, 1862, the Battle of Shiloh ended with a United States (Union) victory over Confederate forces in Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee.
Concept note-2: -Union victory. The South’s defeat at Shiloh ended the Confederacy’s hopes of blocking the Union advance into Mississippi and doomed the Confederate military initiative in the West. With the loss of their commander, Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, in battle, Confederate morale plummeted.
Concept note-3: -Battle of Shiloh, also called Battle of Pittsburg Landing, (April 6–7, 1862), second great engagement of the American Civil War, fought in southwestern Tennessee, resulting in a victory for the North and in large casualties for both sides. In February, Union General Ulysses S.