A man-made waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

(A) ** Panama Canal

(B) Monroe Doctrine

(C) Big Stick Diplomacy

(D) Moral Diplomacy


Concept note-1: -The Panama Canal is an artificial 82 km waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a conduit for maritime trade.

Concept note-2: -The Panama Canal is a waterway that connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. Before the canal was opened in 1914 ships had to travel around the southern tip of South America to get from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

Concept note-3: -The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans across the Isthmus (a narrow strip of land with sea on either side) of Panama.

Concept note-4: -One of the major artificial waterways in the world, Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, cutting across the Isthmus of Panama-a narrow strip that separates the Caribbean Sea from the Pacific Ocean.

Concept note-5: -The Panama Canal, a manmade pathway to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific, was begun by France in 1881, but this venture failed by 1890. Between 1904 and 1914, the United States completed the construction. The canal uses locks to raise ships to about 85 feet above sea level and lowers them down again.