Extending power by expanding into territories or controlling other nations is called-

(A) Isolationism

(B) Collective Security

(C) Internationalism

(D) ** Imperialism


Concept note-1: -What is imperialism in history? Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and peoples.

Concept note-2: -Imperialism can be defined as a doctrine, political strategy, practice, state policy, or advocacy that consists in extending power by territorial acquisition or by extending political and economic control outward over other areas.

Concept note-3: -a situation in which one country has a lot of power or influence over others, especially in political and economic matters: She accused the United States of economic imperialism. Colonization & self-government.

Concept note-4: -Expansionism refers to spreading one’s country onto other lands, which may or may not be occupied. Imperialism refers to controlling other countries, which the empire may or may not directly settle. The American establishment of a continental empire was a mix of both.

Concept note-5: -Imperialism is when a country extends its power into other territories for economic or political gain. The goal of imperialism is to acquire resources, often through exploitation and force. Motives for imperialism include economic, cultural, political, moral, and exploratory control.