He killed 25 machine-gunners and captured 132 German soldiers when his soldiers took cover; he won the Congressional Medal of Freedom.

(A) John J. Pershing

(B) ** Alvin York

(C) Lawrence Tyson

(D) doughboy


Concept note-1: -On October 8, 1918, United States Corporal Alvin C. York reportedly kills over 20 German soldiers and captures an additional 132 at the head of a small detachment in the Argonne Forest near the Meuse River in France. The exploits later earned York the Medal of Honor.

Concept note-2: -Alvin Cullum York, known also by his rank, Sergeant York, is one of the most celebrated soldiers in American history. York received the Medal of Honor for leading an attack on a German machine gun nest, taking 32 machine guns, killing 20 German soldiers, and capturing 132 German soldiers.

Concept note-3: -In all, his unit captured 132 German prisoners and the remainder of his squad made it back to the American line. York was immediately promoted to sergeant and soon became a national hero.

Concept note-4: -An American solider led a procession of dozens German prisoners. As he returned to the trenches, his brigade commander remarked, “I hear you have captured the whole damned German army.” Alvin York corrected him: “No sir, I just got 132 of them.” One of the greatest American heroes of WWI began the war as a pacifist.